We’re back from whirlwind trip to India. Incredible actually, considering cows and wild dogs were walking down the middle of a motorway and it had no lanes! I think I lost about a stone in weight stressing that we were going to die in the cab.
Also it was so hot outside and so cold inside we had to wear coats in restaurants. I even wore Birkenstocks with socks. Not thinking I would be sporting such attire other than on the plane, the only socks I brought with were a funny fluffy salmon pink – not the best look for supper at the Oberoi hotel but there you go! Gem managed to rock a winter jacket with summer trousers with much more panache. When you’re cold you’re cold – next time I’m taking my woolly hat!
Photography: Flickr.com
Next time happens to be in 3 days, as we’re off again on another long haul. It’s a tough travelling month. But the good news is I’ve solved my jet lag problems – a deep tissue massage in the hotel after the longest journey (16 hours we’re travelling on Friday) and I’m out like a light!
Oh and although the taxis were generally terrifying, we were in the most amazing little cab on the way to the airport. Sweetest little car, all upholstered inside in the most amazing embossed velvet fabric! Gem and I both said in unison “oh my god I love your taxi!” Poor driver didn’t know what to say, I reckon he must have thought we were a bit mental but hey ho. I want one to pootle around London in, and it got me thinking about textiles and embossing techniques too. You never know where inspiration might strike!
Anyways I digress. We signed off Spring/Summer and worked on Autumn/Winter 2016, and it’s all looking soooo good. So darn good – can’t sneak peak yet regrettably as there is quite a bit of tweaking to do, but let’s just say I think its going to be the most fabulous collection yet. Whilst I wouldn’t recommend flying to India for one night we nailed what we had to nail so that was good. Now its full on AW16 – bonkers no?

Wandering the tropical gardens of the hotel