Designer Trade Programme

Developed especially for designers, architects and stylists across the interiors industry our trade programme with its host of benefits makes sourcing pieces for clients much easier and with a host of benefits.

  • A ceramic table lamp sitting on a marble side table next to a patterned accent chair.
  • A small black dog sitting on a patterned jute rug.
  • A small ceramic vase with a single faux flower sitting on a wooden table.

How it Works

Each tier is determined by how much you spend over a year (Jan-Dec)at Abigail Ahern.

You must be logged in using your trade account details to redeem your unique discount code.

For special enquiries, please email:

  • T1

    Under £2,000 Annual Spend

  • T2

    £2,000-£10,000 Annual Spend

  • T3

    Over £10,000 Annual Spend

A pale pink ceramic lamp with a cone shaped shade and cylinder base sitting on a coffee table.

1. Apply
Fill in the application form, completing all fields.

2. Get the AA seal of approval

Successful members will recieve their discount code in 1-3 days.

3. Get Decorating

Log into your account & use your unique code to start saving.