The Journal

Stories, Notations, Discoveries


Wellness Weekend 

with Leia

Abi shares her tips and tricks from her own wellness journey to inspire us to take a little time for ourselves, practicing mindfulness and creating a home that promotes slow living. 

Abi shares her tips and tricks from her own wellness journey to inspire us to take a little time for ourselves, practicing mindfulness and creating a home that promotes slow living. 

Welcome to number 3 of my Weekend Wellness series. 

This week I'm drilling down into Leia's yoga pose and nattering about my own wellness journey and hanging out in the kitchen. This weeks recipe is also a particular fave of mine so I would love to know if any of you guys have tried it or intend to add it to your menu. It so helps me to keep on track finding out your own tips and tricks and wellness stories. 

Feel free to share! 

For Body & Soul - Meet Leia.

Yoga Pose: Monkey.

Monkey Pose helps to stretch the hamstrings, groin muscles and hip flexors. If you're into your running or cycling, this stretch can really help to maintain your flexibility.

Weight for it!

"Since January, I’ve really tried to get into exercise and I try to work out 4 times a week. Bala Bangles ( These are super versatile weighted bangles and can be worn on your wrists or ankles. I’ll wear when rebounding, walking the dogs, doing barre and they come in all sorts of fabulous colours and they're so comfortable. I love that I'm adding resistance to my everyday tasks without even realising it."

Hanging Out in the Kitchen.

I love to cook. It really helps me to relax and switch off, so I like to spend quite a lot of time just hanging out in the kitchen. It opens out onto my dining area and then into my living room, with a view directly to the garden. For this reason I want my kitchen to feel connected so I add in pieces that you would find in other areas of your home, lamps, art, mirrors, botanicals and fabulous textiles. It helps to integrate it to the other rooms and makes me want to linger longer, creating tasty food and enjoying the smells and sounds, chatting to our guests (or just G and the kids). 

Stay Nourished

Recipes in the week for me have to be super speedy and nutrient rich. Things I can whip up quickly are packed with flavour and most importantly are easy to execute. A super tasty warming dish from the fabulous Meera Sodha. A quick dish, perfect for the weekend. I serve it with a warm roti and minted yoghurt. Delicious!