4 Design Ideas From My Dark Living Room

In a world of dull, beige living rooms I am always finding new ways to add dark colours to my home, through paint hues to home accessories including vases, flowers and furniture – I could go on. As you guys know dark tones are definitely a statement but there are lots to consider besides the colour.

Here are four key features in my living room so you can get the look too…


I have faux plants and flowers in every room in my pad – yes, even in the bathroom. Plants are a great budget way to give your space a refresh. They also have the fabulous bonus of adding a pop of colour if your pad is a looking a little lifeless.


Making a space feel cosy is key to getting my AA style, especially in a living room. You need to make your home feel homely and this is easily achieved by adding cosy sofas and chairs. If you are struggling with space in your room go for low sofa’s, coffee tables and side tables. Fab in a small room with low ceilings but even better in a big space with tall ceilings as it makes the space super-grand!


Rooms that look too ‘decorated’ look uptight and stuffy. Try throwing some rugs and throws over your sofa or armchair so it looks inviting and super-cosy. One of the reasons I am so obsessed with my lighting range is because they immediately lighten the mood.


If you only do one of the above, make it this one: paint everything in the same hue. It will increase the verticality of your walls, it will make your space feel bigger, grander, cooler it’s the biggest game changer around. That is of course, painting everything out the same hues as the walls – ceilings, skirting’s, windows, radiators even!

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