When you launch your own biz its terribly exciting. Your head is buzzing with ideas, plans, but then somewhere down the line a year or a few years in all the hard work and the long grunt of it all can make it difficult to see the wood from the trees and you lose your passion. Last week I drilled into how to get your business out of a rut and in many ways this post is really more about you and how changing/improving yourself can also change your biz. Also I should say everyone has days of disengagement, disillusionment, doubts about whether you are doing the right thing, me also. You should have seen me last week! Those feelings can last an hour, a week, a month – the trick I find is to continually broaden your knowledge by always learning and taking care of yourself.
The most important thing is to try as much as possible to stay fresh, focused and inspired. If you read my post yesterday then you’ll know how a cup of bulletproof coffee seriously helps. It’s sharpened me up no end!
In my biz we have had some major roller coaster rides going from elation to despair in all but an hour to elation again, and that was just last week! Business is like that you have to learn to surf the waves so to speak. I’ve already spoken upon the importance of taking a break and getting out more so here are even more tips
Push your business in new directions and leave your comfort zone.
That might sound scary or difficult but coasting a long isn’t going to get you anywhere. I can’t tell you how many plans I have for this biz. They grow by the month. Not all will I embrace but they are there bubbling away on the stove waiting to be developed. The more ideas you develop the more excited and passionate you become, and don’t ever think you can’t do something or achieve something because you totally can.
Stop doing bits of the job that you hate
I can’t tell you the weight that falls off your shoulders when you unload things to your team; accounts, marketing, wholesale, retail. You should be thinking of the bigger picture as soon as you can. If you’re not at that stage yet make sure that at least once a week you set aside time no matter what and think big. Your business won’t grow an inch unless you think big simple as that!
Obvious I know, but exercise elevates stress and makes you happier. When you move your body you increase your brain power (seriously true) and you start thinking in new ways you actually become more innovative. I find swimming clears my mind, or does the opposite brings forth new ideas depending on my mood. Basically the more alive you feel the more vigour and passion and determination you have for your business.
Get Healthy
Too much alcohol fatty foods and not enough rest won’t give you the stamina to rise to the top. I’ve really changed our diet, eating far less meat, maybe only once a week these days, way more fish and manly a vegetarian diet. Food blogs are my new passion the ones I’m a little obsessed over are Green Kitchen Stories, My New Roots, Hemsley + Hemsley and Deliciously Ella. Recipes like bean chilli with walnuts and chocolate, green cauliflower pizza (seriously delish), roasted roots with raw beetroosh (think hummus and baba ganoush combined), and so on!
Take a vacation
That sounds obvious I know but I’m not talking about a few hours off on Sunday or a long weekend I’m talking an off the grid week at least. Disengage, its actually life changing she says having not had a vacation for years. Its on the to do list this year, haven’t decided where yet other than maybe Italy or France, late summer and somewhere drivable (the M’s don’t do planes) and warm.
Making small adjustments can seriously give you more energy and enthusiasm for your business and your life and I know it all sounds super obvious, but it makes the hugest difference!