This year I’m not procrastinating any longer when it comes to doing stuff on the house. Last year was so crazy I didn’t get to do anything on the list, but I’m determined that is not going to happen again. Without further ado, here is my to do list…
First up on the list – replace the double height 5m x 4m window that covers the two lower storeys. I know this is a sort of shockingly huge job, but I’ve hated the back window on the house ever since it was installed about 16 years ago, so time for a change! I have forever lusted after Crittal windows (those beautiful steel frame black things) but at the time the architects talked me out of it. That was the most expensive design mistake I ever made, and was actually the last time I listened to other people. Since then I have always followed my gut. Anyways this year it’s going – the track rail on it is knackered, making it almost impossible for me to open the sliding doors anymore anyway. So adios!
It’s all a bit of a mess on the top floor of the house. The office for the team has moved up there now but it needs help… serious help! It’s minimal as anything, plus I need to turn the room next door into another work zone. Right now it’s a crazed junk room where all the samples and so on gets chucked. Right now Christmas trees are hanging out with Spring/Summer 2018 flowers and new vases are all jumbled up with lighting moulds. It’s crazy up there! I’m hoping to clear everything out and create a break room/meeting room for the team.
Not a makeover so much, but just a commitment to myself to spend more time out in the garden. Last year I went to Chelsea flower show and saw some amazing grasses which I really want to get for my garden to lush it all up a tad. Last summer I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time in the garden, it was work and business trips nonstop. Pretty crazy – this year I need to take a break and get out there. It counts as TLC for me and the garden so it’s a win-win.
That pretty much nails it on the house and garden– not too much right?! Looking at it now it all seems pretty ambitious, but I really do want to tackle the things that have been bothering me about the pad for yonks now. I’m interested to know what you guys have got on the radar for this year – a repaint, restyle, new bit of furniture? Any full on bonkers remodels or massive renovation projects in the pipeline? Let me know in the comments!