Forgive the lack of posts last week it was a frantic one – two weeks to go until we debut the collection in Paris and still we have no products (its sending me grey). Everything apart from one light arrives end of this week – I HOPE. If not its just me, Maud and a zillion poodles on the stand.
Anyway lets get down to business - Autumn is in the air (is it terrible to say that I am rather glad) the thought of log fires, candle light and snuggly interiors excites me enormously. I love winterising the house. Slubby cushions, rugs, autumnal foliage and oodles of candles makes Autumn all worth while. On the weekend I spied (actually my sister and I both) two vintage chesterfields which we both have our eye on. I love buying vintage furniture it tells a story and its texture (often times beaten up) adds an interesting note to any room. Although I did come across this chesterfield by Canvas in the states that is also rather fabulous :
Its covered in cotton so way cheaper than leather it shouts English country house like no other sofa I know. Sofa’s are one of the hardest things to buy being somewhat large they totally frame the way your space will look so its important to get it right. We haven’t had a sofa on our lower ground floor for what must be 5 years now just because I haven’t quite seen the right one. Hopefully with a bit of arm twisting on hubby’s part (not great timing since the show is proving rather costly I might in a day or two have a vintage beaten up old chesterfield).
Do excuse my ramblings and any spelling mistakes have been awake since 3am listening to the world service as sleep is alluding me at the mo