It’s a dog’s life

Tomorrow is another early start for me so being good and posting this evening. I  have spent the day researching researching and researching and am feeling somewhat weary and contemplating...

It’s a dog’s life

Tomorrow is another early start for me so being good and posting this evening. I  have spent the day researching researching and researching and am feeling somewhat weary and contemplating...

Wall art

I’ve spoken about transforming walls with text before so stay with me as I bang on about it again. Super sized letters, rolls of bus roll font, and cute little...

Wall art

I’ve spoken about transforming walls with text before so stay with me as I bang on about it again. Super sized letters, rolls of bus roll font, and cute little...


I’ve got a thing about panelling – it shouts gentleman’s club, cigar club and all round unique snug place to hang out and have a quiet few. Of course my...


I’ve got a thing about panelling – it shouts gentleman’s club, cigar club and all round unique snug place to hang out and have a quiet few. Of course my...