The Journal
Stories, Notations, Discoveries

Biz Talk - International Women's Day.
Women getting ahead in business is not really about lack of confidence it's the considerable barriers we face like the gender pay gap and lack of flexibility that prevent us from getting ahead. When we break those barriers and open up the pathways for women to succeed, as Michelle Obama so beautifully says...
Women getting ahead in business is not really about lack of confidence, it's the considerable barriers we face like the gender pay gap and lack of flexibility that prevent us from getting ahead. When we break those barriers and open up the pathways for women to succeed, as Michelle Obama so beautifully says...
Michelle Obama
Abi's Top Five Tips.
On returning from the states as an interior designer, Abi launched her retail business in 2003 and now has a global following through her retail and product designs, best-selling books and lifestyle blog as well as some TV work. Running a business full time, Abi is constantly learning from others in the trade, from business books, from being online, but most of all from her own experience (including mistakes).
1. Get Real.
You will spend about 30% of your time (if you’re lucky) doing what you set out do: designing, writing, the stuff you love that sparked the idea in the first place. The rest of the time you will be strategising, dealing with administrative work, marketing, and answering a ton of emails! Get real – the fun stuff always comes second.
2. Take Time.
I thought that within two years things would take off big time. I was convinced that my path to world domination would be quick. Wake up call: it’s slower and longer than you could ever imagine! Maybe triple your time expectations (and then some).
3. Take Risks.
Embrace your challenges and problems, and face your fears. I had to realise quite quickly, that the minute you put yourself out there, people will criticise you. There’s no getting around that. Want to know what’s good about it, though? It toughens you up. It actually makes you a better, stronger, more determined person and it focuses you. So face those darn fears, I say, and don’t worry about what others think!
4. Stay Current.
Keep your website fresh and constantly evolving, your bricks and mortar or online store continually changing, and work consistently and often on the content of your blog, Instagram, Facebook and other social media channels. It’s all about creating a community where like-minded people want to hang out with you.
5. Talk it Out.
Simplistic as it sounds, talking problems out helps clarify things. Just saying them out loud makes them less scary and overwhelming. Plus others can be more objective and might have solutions you didn’t even think of. I'm constantly talking with my family and the team. Talk, talk, talk!
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